Girls Shooter Camp
"Private Instruction Quality in a Small Group Setting"
Inside Shooting/Mid Range Shooting/Shooting on the Run
12 Player Capacity per camp
First Come First Serve
Who - Girls, HS & MS.
When - Tues 6/18 - Thurs 6/20 > 9:00AM - 1:00PM
Where - 4825 S Old Peachtree Rd #1100, Norcross, GA
Register now and save $20 - $319:
Day by Day information:
session 1> Foundation; stickwork & checking
everything starts with clean mechanics, fine tune or learn techniques for passing, shooting, stick protection, poke checks, slap checks, lift checks, wrap checks, eliminate unnecessary movement, learn to control your stick, break bad habits, techniques for new &experienced players.
session 2 > Foundation; footwork
footwork is in fact the key to playing fundamentally sound defense. Learn a proper stance, stick position, head & chest position, how to approach, breakdown, show & slide
session 3 > Foundation; on-ball defense
where, when, how to take something away from the offensive player and dictate play
session 4 > Foundation; off-ball defense
learn off ball strategies to limit offense and support your team-mates
whether you're on the perimeter, adjacent to the ball or 2 passes away
session 5 > Defending different areas of the field; overview
how to get your body in front of a dodge and not overpursue, how to play angles, proper positioning on the move.
session 6 > Defending different areas of the field; X
learn to take great angles, when to throw checks, when not to, when to get on hips, turns, v holds, prevent top-side rolls and when to trail behind
session 7 > Defending different areas of the field; the wings
approaches, how, when, where to engage the ball carrier, when not to lose contact, when to release contact and the footwork to help you be successful
session 8 > Defending different areas of the field; up top
approaches, how, when, where to engage the ball carrier, when not to lose contact, when to release contact and the footwork to help you be successful
session 9 > Team Defense; whiteboard & walkthrough
every defensive stand starts and ends with effective communication, learn to recognize your
on-ball and off-ball responsibilities and when they change while adjusting to offensive movement.
session 10 > Team Defense; sliding adjacent
anticipation, footwork, how to show, slide & recover. How to understand your responsibility within your team's defensive scheme.
session 11 > Team Defense; sliding from the crease
anticipation, footwork, how to show, slide & recover. How to understand your responsibility within your team's defensive scheme.
session 12 > Team Defense; coma slides
How, where, when to attack the ball near goal line extended and prevent point blank shots on your goal.